Sunday, February 22, 2009

goodies from mexico part one.

i love things from other countries. especially handmade things. so when my neighbor said she was going to mexico..i asked if she would bring me back a few goodies.. so here is what she brought!

mikey stole this from me right away. it is a pretty tote basket woven from plastic cording. he put his toys in it. put it on his head..he didn't want to give it up at bedtime!

beautiful rainbow woven rebozo. these are used as wraps and to carry things..and babies!

a robozo made of fleece. this is so soft and warm. you could easily make this yourself!

and a pretty doily with embroidered flower and crocheted edge. love the bright colors.

will show you the rest soon!


grammyjan(mom) said...

very nice! I love the bright rebozo!!

Amy said...

Love the rebozos. You're right, the fleece one would be easy to make. I love the creamy colors on it.
